Your culture becomes whatever you as the leader do, say, promote, or allow. If there’s a disparity, your culture erodes into a culture by default. Open Door creates systems, processes and tools that:


  • Keep your culture top of mind, rather than letting it atrophy into a short-lived program;
  • Are designed for those who get it, while sending a clear message to those who don’t;
  • Geared to the vast majority of your team who are great team members rather than for the small part of the workforce that may create problems;
  • Solve issues many organizations have with employment selection, onboarding, performance discussions, rewards, appreciation, compensation, benefits, corrective discussions - and even parting of way;
  • Look like you and your culture rather than like a consultant, an attorney, or a compliance department;
  • Will attract and appeal to those who appreciate your culture and repel those who do not.


When everything from handbooks to performance appraisals is viewed as documentation to catch that one bad apple, it all falls far short of what these tools could be useful for. They could be used instead to keep your culture top of mind. That’s the difference between compliance-driven procedures and culture-driven processes. We start with the culture of the organization using our proprietary tools, and design solutions that are as different from conventional HR as Financial Planning is from Accounting.